Have you ever deployed a Kubernetes inside of a WSL just to discover that you don’t know how to access services behind its Load Balancer like Ingress? Have you ever tried to solve this with a Node Port just to realize that WSL’s IP is changing every restart making it extra difficult to update your /etc/hosts file? Well, I was there and I think I have a solution 🙂

Why is it a problem?

When any application on WSL binds to on a port it will be automatically available for the Windows host, and its applications on its localhost. For example when you start an nginx server on WSL on port 80, then you can use your favorite browser on Windows and type http://localhost:80 and it just works! So why doesn’t it work with Kubernetes exposed ports?

Kubernetes does not use bind, instead it uses iptables to listen and route incoming traffic. While this is more efficient, it does not work well with WSL. Therefore it requires us to access services by either Node IP, or by Load Balancer IP (after deploying for example MetaLB with overlapping address range). In fact, this would be acceptable if not for the fact that these IPs and subnet ranges change every Windows restart making it hard to use in practice. How can we solve this then?


  1. Setup a simple port forwarder using bind instead of iptables allowing WSL to discover bounded ports, and make it available on the localhost on Windows.
  2. Use Kubernetes API to discover services of type Load Balancer or Node Port to generate xinetd configuration based on their configured ports.
  3. Create a Kubernetes CronJob that will run the script periodically to keep our environment updated.
Result: accessing nginx deployed on k8s from Windows

Configuration is as simple as running a single helm deployment. Later in this post we are going to explain how it works, but if you are in the hurry here you go:

helm upgrade --install devopsifyme-xinetd xinetd-port-forwarder --repo https://piotr-rojek.github.io/devopsifyme-charts/

Before we start

Importantly, run all the commands as an Administrator / root. You can become root with sudo -s command.

Not surprisingly most of you probably already have WSL installed, but in case you don’t you can quickly get it directly from Microsoft Store for Windows 10/11

Port Forwarding

At this point, goal for this section is to setup a port forwarder on WSL that will listen to incoming traffic on specified ports and forward them to iptables routes where k8s is expecting to receive traffic.

What is xinetd?

It is highly likely that you have never heard of, nor used xinetd before. So let’s analyze the configuration file first to understand what we will be automating and what it does for us. To demonstrate, a sample configuration exposes Traefik Ingress Controller on port 443 and forwards traffic to Node Port 30433.

service srv-traefik-lb-443
    disable = no
    type = UNLISTED
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    wait = no
    redirect = 30443
    bind =
    port = 443
    user = nobody

In this situation, most important options that we will be parametrizing are:

service srv-traefik-lb-443An unique name in the configuration file
protocol = tcpNote that UDP is not supported by xinetd for port forwarding
redirect = 30443Forward to localhost, inside of WSL where xinetd and k8s are running, to service’s node port. This is not from Windows, it is all inside of our WSL instance.
bind = on all interfaces, it has to be like this for WSL to apply its magic
port = 443Which port to listen on. It is a port you will use in your web browser on your Windows host to access the service (https://localhost:443)

How to use xinetd?

In this section, we want to connect to our Kubernetes service from a web browser using localhost’s host name. We will perform all configurations manually, which can be enough for many of you. Because it is a common scenario to expose only one port towards Ingress controller and then hide all other services behind it. Therefore configuration for port forwarding can be done once, and doesn’t have to be dynamic.

First, deploy a nginx server which will be our target running inside of our Kubernetes. Notice that we are specifying node port explicitly (even though service is still deployed a Load Balancer). This allows us to match it in the xinetd configuration file, otherwise it would have been assigned dynamically. After running following commands you should be able to see the service with the correct ports.

helm upgrade --install devopsify nginx --repo https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami --set service.nodePorts.http=32080

kubectl get service devopsify-nginx

Now that we have something to connect to, lets configure xinetd by running commands below. Please use the sample configuration file, that will forward port 8080 to localhost:32080 (where service is listening). Afterwards restart the service and check if xinetd is listening on as defined.

#install xinetd
apt-get install xinetd

nano /etc/xinetd.d/devopsify

systemctl restart xinetd
systemctl status xinetd

netstat -nlt
service sample-service
    disable = no
    type = UNLISTED
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    wait = no
    redirect = 32080
    bind =
    port = 8080
    user = nobody

Done! You should now be able to access your ngnix instance by visiting http://localhost:8080!

Dynamic xinetd configuration

Discover services using kubectl

At this point we have static configuration file, but what if we want it to be generated dynamically? We have to query Kubernetes API to discover all services with Node Ports assigned (service type Load Balancer or Node Port) and simply generate this text configuration file 😉

You can get all the services running within your cluster using kubectl command below. First, take a look at the attached response where you will find familiar port 32080 that we have defined earlier. In fact, port configuration is a section that we will be translating into xinetd configuration in the script.

kubectl get service --all-namespaces -o json
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Service",
            "metadata": {
                "creationTimestamp": "2023-01-12T21:33:57Z",
                "labels": {
                    "component": "apiserver",
                    "provider": "kubernetes"
                "name": "kubernetes",
                "namespace": "default",
                "resourceVersion": "73",
                "uid": "849975b4-1d20-4d44-8039-3455bdf40a22"
            "spec": {
                "clusterIP": "",
                "clusterIPs": [
                "internalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
                "ipFamilies": [
                "ipFamilyPolicy": "SingleStack",
                "ports": [
                        "name": "https",
                        "port": 443,
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "targetPort": 16443
                "sessionAffinity": "None",
                "type": "ClusterIP"
            "status": {
                "loadBalancer": {}
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "kind": "Service",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-name": "devopsify",
                    "meta.helm.sh/release-namespace": "default"
                "creationTimestamp": "2023-01-15T20:58:02Z",
                "labels": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "devopsify",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "Helm",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "nginx",
                    "helm.sh/chart": "nginx-13.2.21"
                "name": "devopsify-nginx",
                "namespace": "default",
                "resourceVersion": "439918",
                "uid": "f98da3a4-6d64-45e5-aec3-4066b604acf9"
            "spec": {
                "allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts": true,
                "clusterIP": "",
                "clusterIPs": [
                "externalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
                "internalTrafficPolicy": "Cluster",
                "ipFamilies": [
                "ipFamilyPolicy": "SingleStack",
                "ports": [
                        "name": "http",
                        "nodePort": 32080,
                        "port": 80,
                        "protocol": "TCP",
                        "targetPort": "http"
                "selector": {
                    "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "devopsify",
                    "app.kubernetes.io/name": "nginx"
                "sessionAffinity": "None",
                "type": "LoadBalancer"
            "status": {
                "loadBalancer": {}
    "kind": "List",
    "metadata": {
        "resourceVersion": ""

Generate xinetd configuration

In brief, we will find all port definitions by iterating through the response. Then we will add them to xinetd’s configuration by applying following logic for the service of type:

  • Load Balancer port property, should be accessible on the same port from Windows,
  • Load Balancer nodePort, should be exposed on different port to avoid collision with k8s iptables listeners. Therefore subtract 10000 (32080 becomes 22080 on Windows),
  • Node Port, as above.

Notice that by that definition, our ngnix service is accessible both on port 80 and 22080! In fact, both ports are redirecting to the same node port 32080, therefore same nginx service. However port 80 uses a Load Balancer resource type (with fallback to Node Port if External-IP is not available), while port 22080 uses Node Port directly.

Finally, run the script below to generate the configuration file based on the Kubernetes deployed services. Afterwards compare the generated file with the one created earlier – it should look very similar. Lastly, update the configuration file, restart services and verify the results. At this point you should be able to access nginx service on both http://localhost:80 and http://localhost:22080.

# scipt.ps1 file from the second tab
./script.ps1 -ConfigFilePath "xinetd.config.txt" -ForwardLoadBalancer

nano /etc/xinetd.d/devopsify-auto

systemctl restart xinetd
systemctl status xinetd

netstat -nlt
    $ConfigFilePath = '/etc/xinetd.d/k8s',

    [Switch]$ForwardNodePort = $false,
    [Switch]$ForwardLoadBalancer = $false

function Get-K8sServices
    $services = kubectl get service --all-namespaces -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
    return $services

function Handle-Service($srv)
    foreach($port in $srv.spec.ports)
        Handle-Port -srv $srv -port $port

function Handle-Port($srv, $port)
    # we support only TCP ports
    if($port.protocol -ne 'TCP')
        Write-Warning "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) not supported protocol $($port.protocol)"

    # forwward LoadBalancer port
    if($ForwardLoadBalancer -and $srv.spec.type -eq "LoadBalancer") 
        Write-Host "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) registered port $($port.port) forwarding to"
        #if load balancer IP is not assigned, use node port
        $address = $srv.status.loadBalancer.ingress.ip ?? ""
            name = "lb-$($port.port)"
            port = $port.port
            targetPort = $address -eq "" ? $port.nodePort : $port.port
            service = $srv.metadata.name
            address = $address

    # forward NodePort port
    if($ForwardNodePort -and $null -ne $port.nodePort -and ($srv.spec.type -eq "LoadBalancer" -or $srv.spec.type -eq "NodePort")) 
        Write-Host ($port.nodePort.GetType())
        Write-Host "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) registered port $($port.nodePort) forwarding to"
            name = "nodeport-$($port.nodePort)"
            port = $port.nodePort - 10000
            targetPort = $port.nodePort
            service = $srv.metadata.name
            address = ""

function Get-ConfigContent($forwardings)
    foreach($forwading in $forwardings)

service srv-$($forwading.service)-$($forwading.name)
    disable = no
    type = UNLISTED
    socket_type = stream
    protocol = tcp
    wait = no
    redirect = $($forwading.address) $($forwading.targetPort)
    bind =
    port = $($forwading.port)
    user = nobody


function Start-Main() {
    Write-Host "Discovering services..."
    $services = Get-K8sServices
    Write-Verbose ($services | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99)
    $forwardings = $services.items | % { Handle-Service -srv $_ }

    Write-Host "Generating configuration..."
    $configContent = Get-ConfigContent -forwardings $forwardings
    $configContent ??= "# $(Get-Date): No services to expose found, check configuration if this is unexpected"
    $configContent = $configContent -join ''

    Write-Host "Created following xinetd configuration..."
    Write-Host $configContent

    Write-Host "Saving changes to $ConfigFilePath..."
    $configContent -replace "`r","" | Set-Content $ConfigFilePath -NoNewLine


Automated xinetd management

Now that we are able to generate configuration file based on the Kubernetes API, we know which commands to run to restart the service – it is time to automate whole solution and package the script as a Kubernetes CronJob.

Our script is scheduled every 60 seconds and it updates xinetd configuration files on WSL host. Moreover the script restarts xinetd service to apply the changes. Because of this it requires privileged access, which is not recommended for production environments.

Discovering services using Kubernetes API

Not surprisingly, the job has to be authenticated and authorized to use Kubernetes API. Therefore we need to:

  1. First create a Service Account that then Cron Job is assigned – take a look at ServiceAccount resource.
  2. Then grant view cluster role to the Service Account – take a look at ClusteRoleBinding resource.
  3. Finally authenticate using service account access token and invoke rest endpoint
# equivalent of
# kubectl get service --all-namespaces -o json

$accessToken = (Get-Content '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token')
$apiurl = "https://kubernetes.default.svc/api/v1/services?limit=500"
$k8sheader = @{authorization="Bearer $accessToken"}
$services = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $apiurl -Headers $k8sheader -SkipCertificateCheck

In this case, when the job is using a service account, the token can be read from a file /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token. Furthermore we can access Kubernetes API on https://kubernetes.default.svc using this token. However this requires CoreDNS to be deployed on our cluster. What is more, for simplification we are not going to setup certificate trust, therefore we -SkipCertificateCheck in the script above.

Deploying using kubectl

First lets deploy following resources using kubectl, and afterwards we will make it a helm chart.

  • CronJob – to run and define schedule for the job,
  • ConfigMap – to load the script and configuration,
  • ServiceAccount – to assign identity to the job,
  • ClusteRoleBinding – to give access to the API

kubectl replace -f ./serviceaccount.yaml
kubectl replace -f ./clusterrolebinding.yaml
kubectl replace -f ./configmap.yaml
kubectl replace -f ./cronjob.yaml
# Source: xinetd-port-forwarder/templates/cronjob.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
  schedule: 1/1 * * * *
    app.kubernetes.io/name: xinetd-port-forwarder
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: release-name
          hostPID: true
          serviceAccountName: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
          - name: xinetd-port-forwarder
            image: "mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:lts-alpine-3.14"
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            - pwsh
            - -File
            - /etc/config/script.ps1
              allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
                - SYS_ADMIN
              privileged: true 
              - name: config
                mountPath: /etc/config
              - name: xinetd-config
                mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
                mountPath: "/etc/xinetd.d"
            - name: config
                name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
            - name: xinetd-config
                path: /etc/xinetd.d
                type: DirectoryOrCreate
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
# Source: xinetd-port-forwarder/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
# Source: xinetd-port-forwarder/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: "release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder-view"
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
  namespace: default
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: view
  apiGroup: ""
# Source: xinetd-port-forwarder/templates/configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
  script.ps1: |-
        $ApiServerUrl = 'https://kubernetes.default.svc',
        $AccessToken = (Get-Content '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token'),
        $ConfigFilePath = '/etc/xinetd.d/k8s',
        [Switch]$ForwardNodePort = $true,
        [Switch]$ForwardLoadBalancer = $true,
        [Switch]$RunCommandsOnHost = $true
    function Get-K8sServices
        $apiurl = "$($ApiServerUrl)/api/v1/services?limit=500"
        $k8sheader = @{authorization="Bearer $($AccessToken)"}
        $services = Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -Uri $apiurl -Headers $k8sheader -SkipCertificateCheck
        return $services
    function Handle-Service($srv)
        foreach($port in $srv.spec.ports)
            Handle-Port -srv $srv -port $port
    function Handle-Port($srv, $port)
        # we support only TCP ports
        if($port.protocol -ne 'TCP')
            Write-Warning "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) not supported protocol $($port.protocol)"
        # forwward LoadBalancer port
        if($ForwardLoadBalancer -and $srv.spec.type -eq "LoadBalancer") 
            Write-Host "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) registered port $($port.port) forwarding to"
            #if load balancer IP is not assigned, use node port
            $address = $srv.status.loadBalancer.ingress.ip ?? ""
                name = "lb-$($port.port)"
                port = $port.port
                targetPort = $address -eq "" ? $port.nodePort : $port.port
                service = $srv.metadata.name
                address = $address
        # forward NodePort port
        if($ForwardNodePort -and $null -ne $port.nodePort -and ($srv.spec.type -eq "LoadBalancer" -or $srv.spec.type -eq "NodePort")) 
            Write-Host ($port.nodePort.GetType())
            Write-Host "$($srv.metadata.name):$($port.port) registered port $($port.nodePort) forwarding to"
                name = "nodeport-$($port.nodePort)"
                port = $port.nodePort - 10000
                targetPort = $port.nodePort
                service = $srv.metadata.name
                address = ""
    function Get-ConfigContent($forwardings)
        foreach($forwading in $forwardings)
    service srv-$($forwading.service)-$($forwading.name)
        disable = no
        type = UNLISTED
        socket_type = stream
        protocol = tcp
        wait = no
        redirect = $($forwading.address) $($forwading.targetPort)
        bind =
        port = $($forwading.port)
        user = nobody
    function Start-Main() {
        Write-Host "Discovering services..."
        $services = Get-K8sServices
        Write-Verbose ($services | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99)
        $forwardings = $services.items | % { Handle-Service -srv $_ }
        Write-Host "Generating configuration..."
        $configContent = Get-ConfigContent -forwardings $forwardings
        $configContent ??= "# $(Get-Date): No services to expose found, check configuration if this is unexpected"
        $configContent = $configContent -join ''
        Write-Host "Created following xinetd configuration..."
        Write-Host $configContent
        Write-Host "Saving changes to $ConfigFilePath..."
        $configContent -replace "`r","" | Set-Content $ConfigFilePath -NoNewLine
            Write-Host "Checking if xinetd is installed on host"
            nsenter --target 1 --mount --uts --ipc --net sh -c "! command -v xinetd && apt-get install xinetd --yes"
            Write-Host "Restarting xinetd on the host..."
            nsenter --target 1 --mount --uts --ipc --net sh -c "systemctl restart xinetd && systemctl status xinetd"

Deploying using helm chart

Feel free to view the complete helm chart here devopsifyme-charts (github.com). This chart deploys the same resources that we just looked at above, but this time it is easier to use as all you need to do is to deploy it with the following command:

helm upgrade --install devopsifyme-xinetd xinetd-port-forwarder --repo https://piotr-rojek.github.io/devopsifyme-charts/

Container accessing host’s xinetd

Definitely it is important to note that the solution presented above is not a production recommended solution because it uses privileged container with host PID access. In brief this is required to run commands on the host node from a container. Because presented solution makes sense only in a development environment like WSL, it is acceptable.

Hence in the CronJob resource we have defined hostPID: true allowing us to run nsenter --target 1 --mount --uts --ipc --net COMMAND, essentially running commands as ANY process or container being executed on the host (!). In our case we run commands as systemd (root) to install and restart xinetd.

Furthermore, we are mounting /etc/xinet.d host directory, to write updated configuration files directly from the container. Because we are using bidirectional mount, it is important to make sure that host’s filesystem mount is ‘shared’ by running mount --make-shared / on every system boot. Now you can add this to startup.sh script we talked about here How to run microk8s on your WSL Ubuntu 22.04? – DevOpsify Me.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  name: release-name-xinetd-port-forwarder
          - name: xinetd-port-forwarder
              - name: xinetd-config
                mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
                mountPath: "/etc/xinetd.d"
            - name: xinetd-config
                path: /etc/xinetd.d
                type: DirectoryOrCreate

Installing xinetd automatically

Because we want to make things as simple as possible, our k8s cronjob will install xinetd on the node if it is missing. We achieve this by running the following command as part of the scheduled job:

nsenter --target 1 --mount --uts --ipc --net sh -c "! command -v xinetd && apt-get install xinetd --yes"

! command -v xinetd checks if the command is present, but we negate the result since we want to execute apt-get install xinetd --yes when it actually is not present. Rest of the script is just nsenter attaching to systemd PID and running sh on the node with the commands just mentioned.

What can we improve?

Probably a lot! 😀 You may be wondering about one of this

  • Am I always required to access my services by port?
  • Can I have custom domains for my ingress, or do I have to always use localhost?
  • Can I have similar solution for pure docker?

Future us will definitely have a look!
