Simple Azure Service Bus Emulator – Finally Here!

Simple Azure Service Bus Emulator – Finally Here!

Why is there no emulator for it? There is one now! Modern development environments and fast integration tests often require services deployed locally. Recently, it has become more visible as companies shift towards more rapid release cycles, containerization, and...
How to connect to microk8s/minikube on WSL  from Windows?

How to connect to microk8s/minikube on WSL from Windows?

After installing Kubernetes on WSL, how do we connect to it from Windows using kubectl or any other developer tool we might be using? As usual it turns out it can be done with just few lines of good old scripting 🙂 Before we start Not surprisingly most of you probably...
3 easy ways to get multiple instances of WSL!

3 easy ways to get multiple instances of WSL!

What if you want something different, custom or just have more instances of the same distribution? Microsoft Store provides a variety of Linux distributions to choose from, but it might be not enough at times. Luckily it turns out it is trivial to get what you want!...